Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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Text File
357 lines
$VER: Genies.doc V2.09 (30.10.1994)
Copyright 1994 by Delirium Softdesign
(Peter Kunath and Frank Riffel)
In this document file are all genies listed that are offically released
or supported by Delirium Softdesign. A description of the standard menus
of the GUI is ommited. Only genie specific GUI elements are described
Noteplayers that use MEMF_PUBLIC or MEMF_ANY require only a small chipmem
buffer for playing the samples. This enables you to load modules that are
even bigger than your actual chipmem. On the other hand this will cost
you some extra cpu cycles.
Name Description
========================== ===========================================
AudioDev-NotePlayer --- Removed ---
We removed this noteplayer because there
are bugs in the audio.device which cause
many problems. There are no workarounds
for these bugs.
Paula-NotePlayer Up to 4 Voices. Uses MEMF_CHIP to hold the
samples. Uses the audio.device channel
allocation but plays the 'notes' by writeing
directly to the current paula chip.
GUI: Selection of the allocation presedence
of the channels.
Note: Some programs incorrectly using the
audio.device will have problems. Term 3.4
is one of them. You can avoid the problems
if you select 127 as allocation precedence.
But then one of the advantages of this
Noteplayer is gone away.
4Voices-NotePlayer Up to 4 Voices. Uses MEMF_ANY to hold the
samples. Only a 1KB chipmembuffer is used.
GUI: Each channel can be enabled/disabled.
Note: On A3000 this NotePlayer eats about
4% more cpu-cycles than Paula-NotePlayer.
8Voices-NotePlayer Up to 8 Voices. Uses MEMF_ANY to hold the
samples. Thanks to Jörg Schmidt. The mixing
routine is © 1991 by Maxon Computer GmbH.
GUI: Each channel can be enabled/disabled.
32Voices-NotePlayer Up to 32 Voices. Uses MEMF_ANY to hold the
samples. Uses DeliMix.
GUI: Left and Right stereo channel can be
enabled or disabled. The Mixfrequency can
be set between 4 kHz and 60 kHz.
32Voices-NotePlayerPlus Up to 32 Voices. Uses MEMF_ANY to hold the
samples. Uses DeliMix.
GUI: Left and Right stereo channel can be
enabled or disabled. Additionaly there is
a volume boost slider. There are some trade
off's with this NotePlayer: It requires
quite a lot of cpu power. The Mixfrequency
can be set between 4 kHz and 60 kHz.
14Bit-NotePlayer Up to 32 Voices. Uses MEMF_ANY to hold the
samples. Uses DeliMix. The mixing result
will be output with 14Bit quality. Due to
used output scheme the output level might
be low. You can raise the level with the
boost-slider, but we recommend to use the
volume control of your amplifier instead.
GUI: Left and Right stereo channel can be
enabled or disabled. The new version has an
additional volume boost slider. As usual the
Mixfrequency can be set between 4 kHz and
60 kHz.
Headphone-NotePlayer Up to 32 Voices. Uses MEMF_ANY to hold the
samples. Uses DeliMix. This Noteplayer is
intended for use with headpohnes.
GUI: Left and Right stereo channel can be
enabled or disabled. With a slider you can
control the stereofactor: 0% = mono,
100% = full stereo, 50% = each channel is
mixed with 50% level on the opposite side.
The Mixfrequency can be set between 4 kHz
and 60 kHz.
ModSave-NotePlayer Up to 16 Voices. Uses MEMF_ANY to hold the
samples. Uses DeliMix. With this noteplayer
you can transform your favorite modules
into samples :-)
GUI: Left and Right stereo channel can be
enabled or disabled. The Mixfrequency can
be set between 4 kHz and 60 kHz. If the
'Save Sample' gadget is checked an IFF-8SVX
sample will be written to the file you have
specified in the 'Filename' gadget. If no
filename is given, a filerequester will pop
up and ask you. With the 'Mode' Cyclegadget
you can select whether a Mono or a Stereo
sample should be created. In Mono mode up to
eight channels are saved. In Stereo Mode, up
to sixteen channels are saved.
Toccata-NotePlayer Up to 32 Voices, supports Panning. Uses
MEMF_ANY to hold the samples. This NotePlayer
will use the Toccata soundboard to produce true
16bit sound.
Available for registrated users upon request.
Name Description
========================== ===========================================
Decruncher This genie can decrunch 'imploded' files
and LhA archives. Only the first file from
an LhA-archive will be decrunched. Files that
match the exclude pattern will be skipped.
Name Description
========================== ===========================================
Deli-Wizard Copyright 1994 by Franck Nicolas.
Reconverts the most Protracker 'Packers'
back to ProTracker. Currently these formats
are recognized and converted:
GUI: Enable/Disable conversions routines.
Modules can be saved with the 'Save Module'
button. This will bring up a filerequester.
Note: A version that can convert even more
formats (41!) will be available soon to
registrated users of Pro-Wizard. To become
a registrated Pro-Wizard user send $US 15
to: Nicolas FRANCK
157, Rue de Strasbourg
77350 Le Mée sur Seine
You can send bugreports and suggestions
concerning Deli-Wizard or Pro-Wizard to
this address as well.
Name Description
========================== ===========================================
ModuleInfo This genie will show some information about
the Module. For PT/NT/ST modules only. This
includes pattern count, real module name,
estimated playtime, the file size, the
sample names and length.
GUI: 'Settings'-Menu: Playtime will enable
the calculation of the estimated playtime.
MonoScope This genie displays current waveform in a
neat new way. This genie works with up to 8
Voices. Each pixel represents a point in
time. The x and y co-ordinates of it are
corelated to the sample. In 'Single Mode'
the x position is taken from the amplitude
of the left channel. The y position is
taken from the amplitude of the right
channel. This is how the left channel
corelates to the right. The x co-ordinate
of an point in 'Double Mode' is taken from
the amplitude of the signal. The y
co-ordinate is taken from the amplitude
a fixed short time interval later. This
mode shows how the signal corelates to
GUI: Settings
Nasty Blit
This is to fix some problems
with (EGS) GfX cards. These
arise from blit operations
done by the cpu. If enabled
Forbid()/Permit() is used to
to protect those operations.
Single Mode A-I Select single mode
Double Mode A-O Select double mode
StereoScope This genie displays current waveform as
stereo signal. If you would connect an
oscilloscope at the audio jacks and select
a frequency range of about 2 kHz you should
see the same signals. This genie works with
up to 8 Voices.
GUI: Settings
Nasty Blit
This is to fix some problems
with (EGS) GfX cards. These
arise from blit operations
done by the cpu. If enabled
Forbid()/Permit() is used to
to protect those operations.
QuadrasScope This genie displays current waveform of up
to 4 channels - not sizeable, moderate cpu
GUI: Settings
Nasty Blit
This is to fix some problems
with (EGS) GfX cards. These
arise from blit operations
done by the cpu. If enabled
Forbid()/Permit() is used to
to protect those operations.
QuadrascopePlus Copyright 1994 by Florian Vorberger.
This genie displays the waveforms of up to
4 channels. QuadraScope+ updates 50 times a
second. This means it needs quite a lot of
CPU cycles. The CPU power increase is aprox.
linear to the windows size. If you experience
a slow display you might need to shrink your
window. If you use a 'Solid' display the
required CPU power depends more on the window
GUI: Settings
Nasty Blit
This is to fix some problems
with (EGS) GfX cards. These
arise from blit operations
done by the cpu. If enabled
Forbid()/Permit() is used to
to protect those operations.
Half A-A Displays the absolute level
from zero to top. Threat
samples unsigned.
Mirror A-M Same as half exept the
zero line is centered and
the level is also drawn in
the negative range.
Note: If 'Half' and 'Mirror'
are off the sample is
threated as signed. This
is the default mode.
Dot A-D Draw only sample values
Line A-L Connect sample values
with lines.
Solid A-O Filled display
QuadraScope+ written by Florian Vorberger.
It may only be distributed along with the
DeliTracker_II packgage! You are alowed to
use QuadraScope+ only for NON-Comercial
purposes. If you find any bugs, have any
ideas for improving 'Quadrascope+' or want
a special commercial-usage agreement please
or Delirium Softdesign (we will forward any
LightOrgan_Color This genie displays the summed volume level
(amplitude) of up to 8 channels. The sum of
the left channels control the blue level
and the right channels control the red
level. This genie allocates one pen and
therefore requires at least V39.
Note: If you want to run this genie on
your Workbench Screen you must choose
a screen mode with at least 16 colors!
FFTAnalyzer This genie displays the frequeny spectrum of
up to 4 left and right channels. The display
is devided into two columns (one for the left
and one for the right channels). Each column
consists of 64 equally spaced bars. A single
bar represents a frequency range of 220Hz.
The topmost bar represents the hightest
frequency range (ie. 14kHz). The displayed
amplitude of a frequency range is proportional
to the sound preasure level of this range. The
frequency spectrum is calculated using a highly
optimized 128-Point-Fast-Fourier-Transform.
Note: You may think that the geniedisplay
will emphasize the lower frequencies ranges.
This is not the case. The reason for this effect
is that the ear has a nonlinear characteristic.
BTW - the ear is not captable to notice any phase
differencies. Maybe we will later add a dB(A)
weighting to address this.
GUI: Settings
Nasty Blit
This is to fix some problems
with (EGS) GfX cards. These
arise from blit operations
done by the cpu. If enabled
Forbid()/Permit() is used to
to protect those operations.
DeliMix is © 1994 by Delirium Softdesign. DeliMix is realtime sample
mixing technology. It is the base of many Noteplayers that have virtual
channels. With this mixing technology it is possible to mix samples with
different samplerates into one output sample. The output sample is
generated at a given mixfrequency (rate). Choosing a higer output rate
will yield better results at the expense of more cpu power. DeliMix takes
advance of an exisiting 020 or higher. An optimized routine will be used
in this case. This routine is about 20% faster. There is a critical point
at ~30 kHz mixing frequency. Selecting a higher mixing frequency will
make only sense if you run productivity. This is because in the current
amiga hardware, the audio DMA is coupled with the scan rate. The hardware
can output two samples per scanline. In standard video mode, this results
in a maximum output rate of ~30 kHz. Because in productivity the scanrate
doubles an output rate of ~60 kHz is possible. All NotePlayers will step
down the mixingrate if the cpu is not fast enough to provide the desired
mixing frequency! - This is to protect the system from hanging in the
interrupt (mixing loop).